All the costs involved in hiring an employee (health insurance, workers compensation, the payroll tax) have existed for many decades. I don't think these things necessarily put businesses at a disadvantage because all business entities in the U.S. have to deal with these costs. In other words, it does not give one business an advantage over another.
Most businesses already provide health insurance for their employees, so I don't think the government mandate that certain businesses provide insurance will make much of a difference. If we are going to have an employer based health care system, why should some businesses provide insurance and the employees of other businesses rely on the tax payer (Medicaid) or go to the emergency room and rely on those with insurance (uncompensated cost).
Yes, you want to make it easier for businesses to operate in this country, but not to such an extent that it negatively effects the well being of the middle class and poor in this country.
I think the real reason businesses are not hiring is for political reasons. They want to help the Republican party get back into power.