Edited on Tue Aug-10-10 04:24 PM by GreenTea
Does the word hypocrite mean anything to Newt Gingrich (as well as any of the other cold-hearted, hateful, lying, greedy elitist republicans)?
It was just a single line taken from a post of mine on Huffington Post today, basically just a rhetorical, mostly baiting question more or less on the slimy Newt Gingrich.
Unexpectedly, I received an insightful, yet very scary response in so much as it clearly fits Gingrich and so many republicans - I'm usually at a lost for words at how republicans can be so incredibly hateful, cold, outright look-straight-in-the-camera liars, their duplicity I saw as simply hypocritical I now clearly see as so much more.
Narcissism, I have always understood the definition, however, it just hit me hard for some reason at that exact moment, putting it in a more concise definitive description & perspective for me to see it clearly and giving it a much more effective understanding of why I have such disdain for the fascist, elitist corporatist republicans..... George Bush also fits the description perfectly another text book example, (as distinctly as so many other republicans).
"Not at all. Gingrich is a pathological Narcissist. He believes everything he says,and has no hesitation to lie, cheat, or steal to get what he believes he deserves. This is one of the most serious and untreatable of the psychological pathologies. Many therapists won't even take Narcissists on as patients because they are so intractable. Unfortunately, Politics and Board Rooms are full of them. They're successful, not because they're immoral. They're successful because they're amoral....they literally have no moral or ethical code. Start thinking carefully about who you vote for. They will lie without hesitation to get what they want".