Via Americablog: So Joe is surfing the Web yesterday, and he sees the following Google ad:

That's great - Obama's Organizing for America, now run by the DNC, is finally doing something on a major gay commitment of the President.
So Joe clicked through. Here's what he got:

Wow, it's a page where you can join OFA's email list, and help them on every other issue BUT gay issues in the future.
Nowhere is there a Senate target list, nowhere do they ask you to call the Senate to push for the DADT compromise to be passed. Just as they did a few months ago, OFA is simply dropping in on our civil rights in order to build their email list so they can fight on other issues that have nothing to do with gay civil rights.
It's pretty sleazy.
Now, if OFA had a track record of fighting for gay civil rights, then building a gay list might be a fine strategy - it would only help them contact that many more people when the time came to have everyone call their members of Congress. But OFA doesn't have a track record of fighting for gay civil rights. They in fact have a track record of using our civil rights to build their email list, then they ignore us.
So this is basically a PR stunt, and a sly way to build their email list, without really doing anything to help repeal "Don't Ask, Don't Tell."
And they wonder why they're having problems with the gay community.