No, "parish" is a
church, you douche.
The thread: Obama signs emergency bill to halt teacher layoffs
The extremely unappreciative responses:
To: traumer
Another payoff for the Dem party base.
3 posted on Tuesday, August 10, 2010 4:41:01 PM by mojito
To: traumer
No let’s see if the Republicans have the ‘cojones’ to start making a very big deal out of this.
4 posted on Tuesday, August 10, 2010 4:42:19 PM by AdaGray
To: traumer
The No Criminally Underfunded Union Pension Left Behind Act of 2010.
7 posted on Tuesday, August 10, 2010 4:47:11 PM by andy58-in-nh (America does not need to be organized: it needs to be liberated.)
To: traumer
no0bama and the DIMs give money to the teachers. The teachers give much of it back to the DIMs in campaign money support. Quite a scam. Quite an illegal thing to do.
10 posted on Tuesday, August 10, 2010 4:49:59 PM by hal ogen (1st amendment or reeducation camp)
To: traumer
drain the working citizens who are already struggling to maintain the salaries, perks and pensions of the public unions (so called public servants who in theory work for us). Indeed, the parasite is bigger than the host and both will soon parish.
11 posted on Tuesday, August 10, 2010 4:53:14 PM by paul51 (11 September 2001 - Never forget)
To: traumer
Teenage Mutant Ninja Marxist at it again. Pre-paid votes.
17 posted on Tuesday, August 10, 2010 5:04:48 PM by SERKIT ("Blazing Saddles" explains it all.....)