Let's get something straight first, he ain't no GW, but he ain't no fuckin' Abe Lincoln either.
That said, I thought I heard Obama tell us that, if we wanted him to do something tough, that we need to make him do it? We tried that, right? Or was I just high?
I'm not pissed because were not getting everything we want. I'm a pragmatist. But after achieving so many victories by hollowing out legislation of the very parts that the mobilized left were actually trying to "make you do", a little reciprocated do-deference should be in order. But Gibbs had to be a smart ass. What's worse, is I don't hear too many shots like that being lobbed across the isle. All I hear is incoming.
Yo' B! You better talk to your boys, Gibbsy and Rahm. They better check that friendly fire shit. I know you'd rather be a good 1 term president and all, but it ain't about you being a good 1 term president anymore. It's about, if you do lose us the White House, you will be cursing us all to a theocratic thugocracy with a constituency armed to the teeth and amorant of racist pathogens posing as men of God. (Could rival a few levels of Dante's Inferno I would bet.)
Playground politics: classic case of the bullied 4th grader bullying the 3rd graders. This is what it looks like. The big bad republican machine stole their lunch money, so they are pushing around the left to make them feel better. Man up crybabies.
If we wanted a moderate that was willing to sell the farm for some non-existent bi-partisanship, we would have voted for Hillary and broke out the buttered popcorn (No disrespect to my HillBots). But we made the hard choice; took the rough road. We knew that it wouldn't be easy. Most of us, at least, knew we wouldn't get everything. But there ain't no room here for this shit.
You lay it out on the scales; the promises made, the victories won, compromises made, and the damages done, you don't need Gibbs' smart mouth, or Rahm's missing finger throwing off the balancing act you will need to maintain if you want to win a second term, or a more convincing majority cross town.
It's time for them to step up, or step off. Point that attitude in the right direction, or expect a staccatoed career. That might as well go for you to Mr. President. I like you and all (see prior posts) but I be damned if I'm going to let you run rough shot over those who put you in office. You might just find yourself out on your ass a little earlier than November 2012. Cause you must be high if you think I'm going to let you lose this country.
Actively looking for an alternate candidate... just in case.