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Alantic Journal Const - "GOP refuses to help teachers facing layoffs" A "Bailout" for Teachers!

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TomCADem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Aug-10-10 11:28 PM
Original message
Alantic Journal Const - "GOP refuses to help teachers facing layoffs" A "Bailout" for Teachers!
The passage of a bill to prevent the layoffs of hundreds of thousands of teachers has been dismissed by Republicans as a special interest bill and a bailout:

The Republican Party is making its loyalties very clear. When it comes to a choice between protecting the little guy and protecting big monied interests, they protect the big monied interests.
Just a little while ago, the House of Representatives passed a bill that will prevent massive teacher layoffs around the country — as well as the layoffs of police officers and firefighters — and also preserve Medicaid benefits for the poor. (The Senate passed it last week.) Teachers and Medicaid have been threatened by state budget shortfalls. Hundreds of thousands of teachers — including some in Georgia — have faced layoffs.

Even though the appropriations are paid for by closing tax loopholes, very few Republicans voted for it. Even though the Congressional Budget Office says the bill will lower the deficit by $1.3 billion over ten years, very few Republicans voted for it. House Minority Whip Mike Pence dismissed it as a tax increase and “one more bailout.”

* * *
Why should giant multinationals be able to claim huge deductions here for money they paid elsewhere? (I should have added earlier that they are able to claim the deductions before the profits are repatriated here. Sometimes, those profits never show up here — so they’ve made out like bandits.) Pence and his Republican colleagues are defending that?
Of course, most Republicans didn’t vote to extend unemployment benefits, either.

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OHdem10 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Aug-10-10 11:38 PM
Response to Original message
1. See how they manipulate. The GOP knows the word Bailout
tests terribly in focus groups. They know just hearing
the world will set people on fire in anger. Play to
peoples' fears and anger. Call it a bailout and the people
will be so angry they will never realize what the bill
was about. The people will think those Democrats gave
away another pile of our tax money to the unions.

The same thing goes on at elections--Last minute they
stir up a rukus over some one of God, Guns Gays Abortion.
While the people are in a lather they send to the polls
to vote to "save civilization".

Democrats simply must learn to be quick on the draw and
counter all this bull or lose elections.

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