It's time for John Boehner to find out how it feels to be earning a living outside the beltway. Justin Coussoule is as strong a candidate as has run against Boehner, and he needs your help. Here is an excerpt from his website. Please donate money or time -- if you can.
Strengthening The Middle Class
As the son of a carpenter and a commercial food service worker, I believe firmly that America's economic security is tied directly to the strength of our middle class. We must collectively reinvest in ideas, values and programs that will create jobs while strengthening and expanding the middle class by fighting for:
* investment in America's manufacturing sector to preserve American jobs and guarantee our future economic prosperity – we must make things in America once again;
* inclusion of environmental standards in our trade agreements in order to protect American workers and enable them to compete with their foreign counterparts in a global economy;
* investment in our nation's infrastructure, including roads, bridges and railways, as a means to spur private investment and create jobs;
* fair, equitable, living wages for American workers;
* investment in America's schools in order to strengthen American competitiveness, innovation and economic leadership. Schultz highlighted a really funny ad that Justin Coussoule is running against Boehner on his show. Look for Ed Schultz's clip on the video forum here on DU. The ad features John Boehner's golf career. Nothing wrong with golf, but Boehner really overdoes it. Check out the ad and do what you can for Justin Coussoule.