Edited on Wed Aug-11-10 10:26 AM by RandomThoughts
It was too choreographed across multiple release points.
Figured it was intel, not group think.
But could be something else.
Plus it had both some good, but repainting it as something else, one of the key indicators was the cut to a SNL skit, where they said they would get the air stewardess.
Seemed like an attempt to get to someone by flattery, but with a negative message. Although some people only saw the good parts in it. Basically it is a standard method of redirection of intent or action.
What I don't understand is why would they add the beer part? And from the 'Cooler' maybe a taunt? Not sure but I ignored most of it. Had a Joe the Plumber feel to it.
On a personal note, and one that others might think on, if not having beer bothered me, I would not post about it, although I like the concepts it supports. Although I should have beer.
Edit:Ahh I got it, the story is about people that did not take the beer, many people did not, so in that it is actually a compliment to people in my, or many billions of other peoples situation.
It is the same story as not taking the cake, or not deserting people. Since that guy took the beer and ran away because he was angry.