in every country they have occupied, this is their MO--because it works. What makes you think they are not doing that here? They have long ago infiltrated the government, in both parties enough to create a status quo that has redefined both the Republican and Democratic Parties. This status quo wants the most conservative and the most liberal to be marginalized as completely nuts, while the chosen few have the only seats at the bargaining table to dole out the booty.
These mega corporations are criminal entities with civil rights and they are bargaining away our country, polluting our waterways, selling off our resources and jobs and looting overseas without our consent.
Older Americans remember sane Republicans, my father was one of them, he actually admired FDR!! Older Americans remember political discourse that was intelligent and respectful.
This is how I see it, there is only one game being played here, and we don't have any chips, unless enough sane people can wake up and somehow work together. All the infighting, both nationally and within this party (and on this board), plays exactly into their hands.
There are two layers to the situation at hand, and this is what has become confusing, IMHO:
1 -The corporate takeover is not a partisan issue--it results in Constitutional issues that threaten to redefine our Republic, resulting in a loss of civil and human rights.
2-Democrats absolutely must win seats in the Fall election and our party has to be unified in doing this.
I think it is a good time to look at the big picture.