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As long as we don't forget that the Larouchies consider themselves liberal Dems we will be alright

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (1/22-2007 thru 12/14/2010) Donate to DU
NNN0LHI Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-11-10 10:44 AM
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As long as we don't forget that the Larouchies consider themselves liberal Dems we will be alright

National Democratic Policy Committee

From the autumn of 1979, with the disbanding of the U.S. Labor Party, the LaRouche movement conducted most of its U.S. electoral activities within the framework of the National Democratic Policy Committee, a political action committee whose name drew complaints from the Democratic National Committee. Democratic leaders refused to recognize LaRouche as a party member, or to seat the few delegates he received in his seven primary campaigns as a Democrat.

LaRouche's campaign platforms have included a return to the Bretton Woods system, including a gold-based national and world monetary system, fixed exhange rates, and ending the International Monetary Fund; the replacement of the central bank system, including the U.S. Federal Reserve System, with a national bank; a war on drug trafficking and prosecution of banks involved in money laundering; building a tunnel under the Bering Strait; the building of nuclear power plants; a crash program to build particle beam weapons and lasers, including support for elements of the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI); opposition to the USSR and support for a military buildup to prepare for imminent war; the screening and quarantine of AIDS patients; and opposition to environmentalism, outcome-based education, and abortion. snip

1986: AIDS, electoral success

In 1986, LaRouche proposed that AIDS be added to California's List of Communicable Diseases. Sponsored by the "Prevent AIDS Now Initiative Committee" (PANIC), it came to be known as the "LaRouche Initiative." The proposal, Proposition 64, qualified for the California ballot in 1986, with the required signature gatherers mostly paid for by LaRouche's Campaigner Publications. Opponents said the measure could have required universal testing and the quarantine of infected individuals, while proponents denied this, arguing that it simply allowed for standard public health measures to be taken. It was defeated, reintroduced two years later, and defeated again. AIDS was a leading plank in LaRouche's platform during his 1988 presidential campaign. He vowed to quarantine its "aberrant" victims who are "guilty of bringing this pandemic upon us."

In March 1986, LaRouche NDPC candidates Mark Fairchild and Janice Hart won the Democratic primary for state-wide offices in Illinois, surprising the political establishment and bringing LaRouche national attention. The Democratic gubernatorial candidate, Adlai Stevenson III, withdrew his nomination rather than run on the same slate as LaRouche movement members, and formed the Solidarity Party with a new ticket of statewide running-mates for purposes of the general election. All the Solidarity and the LaRouche candidates lost in November. snip

2008–2009: LaRouche on Obama

LaRouchePAC poster, Alhambra, California, 2009In 2009, during discussion of U.S. health care reform, LaRouche compared President Barack Obama to Adolf Hitler, and the proposed health-insurance reform to Hitler's Action T4 euthanasia program. He said Americans must "quickly and suddenly change the behavior of this president ... for no lesser reason than that your sister might not end up in somebody's gas oven." The movement printed pamphlets showing Obama and Hitler laughing together, and posters of Obama wearing a Hitler-style mustache. In Seattle, police were called twice in response to people threatening to tear the posters apart, or to assault the LaRouche supporters holding them. During one widely reported public meeting, Congressman Barney Frank referred to the posters as "vile, contemptible nonsense."

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damntexdem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-11-10 12:30 PM
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1. Wait, let's start calling them "professional liberals."
Then they can take the WH heat while all the rest of us sing Kumbaya.

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pampango Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-11-10 01:04 PM
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2. Thankfully, most people who consider themselves liberal Democrats wouldn't agree with any of
LaRouche's positions. (I don't think there is a single "liberal" issue that he espouses.)

Either he has lost his mind or has gone so far left that that he's joined Stalin and many others on the far right. I wonder if he still considers himself to be liberal or looks back at his "liberal" phase as something he has "grown out of".
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