Many of you are probably familiar with Modest Needs ( They are a fantastic charitable organization that provides financial assistance to people in difficult circumstances who would not qualify for other types of aid. You might recall that they were one of the charities selected to be part of the past DU fund raiser.
Modest Needs is currently in a tight race for a $250,000 grant from Pepsi to assist people in the Gulf region affected by the BP disaster.
Modest Needs has an excellent track record of managing their funds, so I know they would be a wise choice to use this money to help people. In addition, through our Members (I am a monthly donor), Modest Needs will turn this into a MATCHING GRANT. Every time we are asked to match an award, we step up! So if we win, will have $500,000 to spend assisting Gulf victims instead of $250,000!
The voting lasts through August 31st, and there are other categories with other worthy organizations that you can also vote for. We are currently in 4th place, and the first 2 places get the grants. We can do this with your help!
Please consider voting for Modest Needs daily. I know that they will do a phenomenal job of helping people if they win. info on Modest Needs: