It's less about the taxes and more about the wages. We had to listen to these crappy talking points from our former repug governor (who is now the president of the National Assoc. of Manufacturers). He drained the treasury, ran up a $4 bil deficit, and gave all of the money to his friends in business who left the state anyway. When our new Dem governor tried to keep Electrolux in the state by offering them 0 tax liability for so many years, they said "no thanks" and moved to Mexico. We simply cannot compete with wages that are 1/10th of ours. Also, ask them how many jobs bush created in 8 years. The answer will most likely sound like this: "a lot". Tell them the truth, when bush was bragging about creating 33,000 jobs in one month, he was 90,000 short of demand.
Re: the jobs bill? Red states have the highest deficits in the country. AZ is numero uno. So, it would be the blue states supporting the red states. Then agree with them and say "why should Dems who manage their money well support the teabagger states?"