Good evening -
After months of work organizing the Hydraulic Fracturing Study public meeting in New York, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today announced that the meeting, originally scheduled for Thursday, August 12 at Binghamton University and subsequently moved to the Syracuse Oncenter Complex Convention Center has been canceled. The Agency now intends to hold the public meeting in upstate New York in September and will announce the date and location as soon as it is confirmed.
EPA was forced to cancel the August 12th meeting following a conversation this morning with the Onondaga County Executive’s office, during which concerns were raised about the ability to complete security preparations for the meeting on such short notice. The last minute change to Syracuse was caused by Binghamton University taking several actions to dissuade EPA from holding the meetings at their campus including increasing the cost from $6,000 to almost $40,000. As plans for the Binghamton meeting unraveled, EPA explored opportunities with Broome County officials in Binghamton, including the convening of the meeting at the Arena. They suddenly and inexplicably pulled out of negotiations with EPA. The Agency searched a 40 mile radius from Corning to Ithaca to Cortland to Oneonta but no options were available for Thursday. The Oncenter was the only viable choice, but Onondaga County officials did not feel they could arrange the necessary security for protecting people and property with ongoing rallies outside the meeting site. EPA respects and understands their decision.
We are extremely disappointed that the cancellation will leave thousands of people on both sides of the issue who had planned to attend this meeting in this inconvenient and difficult position. EPA and its contractors have left no stone unturned in finding a suitable location and we did everything within our control to make the meeting scheduled for August 12 a successful one.
From the beginning, EPA has been committed to ensuring that the public has an opportunity to express their opinions on the study. There are serious concerns about whether the process of hydraulic fracturing impacts drinking water, human health and the environment. To address those concerns and strengthen our clean energy future, EPA announced in March that it will study the potential adverse impact that hydraulic fracturing may have on drinking water and would be seeking input from people across the country. EPA has held had three successful meetings in Fort Worth, Texas; Denver, Colorado; and Canonsburg, Pennsylvania, where more than 1200 participants attended, and the Agency is committed to holding a similar meeting in upstate New York.
Meeting Registration
The registration website and toll-free phone line are now closed. Registration will begin again when meeting location and date have been decided. Because you registered for the Binghamton and/or Syracuse meeting scheduled for August 12, you will receive an email notification when the new meeting details have been decided and registration begins again. EPA will also be releasing press advisories and updating the Hydraulic Fracturing Study website ( with information on the September meeting when details are known.
All those who have registered to speak at or attend the New York meeting should re-register to attend or speak at the September meeting when details of the meeting are announced. Registration for the Binghamton or Syracuse meetings will not be carried over for the September meeting.
The September meeting will continue to be held in three sessions and 100 pre-registered speaking slots will be opened for each session. Pre-registered speaking slots will be assigned to individuals on a first come, first served basis as with the previous public meetings held to discuss the Hydraulic Fracturing Study. Walk-in registration for attendees and those who wish to give verbal comments will also be available on-site beginning one hour prior to the meeting session.
Comments on the Study
EPA continues to accept written comments via e-mail at<> through September 15, 2010. Please write "Hydraulic Fracturing Study - Comments" in the subject line of the message. Written comments may also be hand-delivered at the September public meeting or sent to EPA at the following postal address by September 15, 2010:
Jill Dean
1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Mailcode 4606M
Washington, DC 20460.
For additional questions on the postponement, please call the Safe Drinking Water Hotline at 1-800-426-4791, Monday through Friday, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm eastern time (except Federal holidays).
Please note that if you were registered to attend multiple sessions, you may receive multiple copies of this email.
Thank you for your patience and understanding,
Carolyn Gillette