How do you rank in the Gibby Rahmmy pseudo left wing hierarchy? Let's see...
Are you part of the "Loony Far left"? Many Socialist ideas, pro-Gay Marriage, anti-DADT, anti-war, pro-enviroment, pro-single payer, pro-union, pro-teacher, pro-constitution, anti-death squads, anti-torture, ? Congratulations, you aren't even on the fucking radar, go away.
Are you part of the "Far Left"? Some socialist ideas, pro Gay Marriage, anti-DADT, anti- war, pro-enviroment, pro- public option, pro-union, pro-constitution, anti-death squads, anti-torture? Congratulations.. you are a Fucking MORON.
Are you part of the "Professional Left"? Do you hold the same ideas as someone on the far left but are running a blog, or commenting on TV, or radio? Congratulations, you are in need of drug intervention.
Are you part of the regular old left? Anti-DADT, anti-war, pro-enviroment, pro-union, pro-teacher, pro-constitution, anti-torture anti-death squads? Congratulations, you can stay but shut the hell up because Dennis Kucinich will never be President.
Are you part of the new left? Anti-DADT(if we get around to it) Anti-Gay Marriage(can't be upsetting those Christians) pro-enviroment(unless it involves nuclear power and offshore drilling) anti-war(unless it's "necessary") pro-union(unless it gets in the way of corporate profits) pro-teacher(unless the kids are flunking) pro-constitution(as long as we get to kill Americans without a trial or jury on our say so alone)? Congratulations you fit right in, stand by the DLC will be calling you for donations. If you could, make sure you give at least an extra 20% to make up for all the donations we won't be getting from the fucking MORON drug using Kucinich lovers.
Well this post got locked for using a word that a leader of the Democratic Party used to describe me. Apparently that word can no longer be uttered so here's the thread again without it. I apologize for using the word that the Democratic party leader used.