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NBC/WSJ poll: Public is fed up with Congress

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Better Believe It Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-11-10 02:19 PM
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NBC/WSJ poll: Public is fed up with Congress

NBC/WSJ poll: Public is fed up with Congress
From NBC's Mark Murray
August 11, 2010

In the past year and a half, Congress has produced plenty of legislative achievements. The far-reaching health-care law. The landmark financial reform. The economic stimulus.

But the public isn't buying those legislative successes.

According to the new NBC News/Wall Street Journal, a combined 60 percent say that the Congress is either below average or one of the worst in history -- the highest percentage here in the history of the poll.

By comparison, 31 percent say it has been average, and only 6 percent believe it has been above average or one of the best.

The attitudes about President Obama are slightly better, however. In the poll, 58% think the president has performed as expected, 29% say he's done worse than expected, and 12% who believe he's done better than expected.

The poll -- which was conducted Aug. 5-9, and which has a margin of error of plus-minus 3.1 percentage points -- will be released in full at 6:30 pm ET.
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Bitwit1234 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-11-10 02:33 PM
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1. Sure - republicans are making that a reality
by obstructing bills, voting no and filibustering everything that comes along, they are making sure that the senate does not pass any laws. Or if they do get a law thru it is so watered down it is good for nothing.

Who is funding and directing the republicans. They have to have leader. Some one in the shadows that doesn't want to be known. There is no way they can independently agree on the same subject every time.

And while we are at it, someone has to be behind Beck's attack on these liberal organizations. He takes a group, starts bashing it. Breit the barf then gets someone to make a video or he edits one to fit his purpose and undercuts it. THEN IT IS PICKED UP BY ALL THE OTHER RIGHT WING TV AND RADIO OUT THERE. Folks this AIN'T random. There is a EVIL MANIPULATOR behind it all. And who could it be. Jeb Bush, Rove or Roger Ailes and Dick Armey. There has got to be a group that is setting all this crap up. Becks too damn stupid to set up these coordinated attacks.
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