NBC/WSJ poll: Public is fed up with Congress
From NBC's Mark Murray
August 11, 2010
In the past year and a half, Congress has produced plenty of legislative achievements. The far-reaching health-care law. The landmark financial reform. The economic stimulus.
But the public isn't buying those legislative successes.
According to the new NBC News/Wall Street Journal, a combined 60 percent say that the Congress is either below average or one of the worst in history -- the highest percentage here in the history of the poll.
By comparison, 31 percent say it has been average, and only 6 percent believe it has been above average or one of the best.
The attitudes about President Obama are slightly better, however. In the poll, 58% think the president has performed as expected, 29% say he's done worse than expected, and 12% who believe he's done better than expected.
The poll -- which was conducted Aug. 5-9, and which has a margin of error of plus-minus 3.1 percentage points -- will be released in full at 6:30 pm ET.