United States intelligence officials this afternoon announced the revelation that many, if not all, of the recent and planned protests against the building of mosques and Islamic community centers as well as other anti-Islam demonstrations in the US are, in fact, part of a worldwide effort on the part of Al Qaeda to recruit new terrorists to Jihad.
According to a Department of Homeland Security spokesman, “We have obtained reliable intelligence indicating that Al Qaeda and their operatives are responsible for the funding, planning, and carrying out of public protests conducted by gullible, unsuspecting United States citizens for the express purpose of gaining international publicity that will incite certain individuals to volunteer and participate in ‘Holy Jihad’ against the United States, our citizens, and our allies.”
According to Michael Scheuer, former head of the CIA’s ‘Alec Station’, the unit tasked with tracking Osama bin Laden and his top lieutenants which was disbanded in 2006 (
http://www.nytimes.com/2006/07/04/washington/04intel.html?_r=1), this revelation should not really come as a major surprise. This morning, Scheuer told reporters, “At this point I think it’s safe to say that Al Qaeda probably has more operatives in the United States than they do in Afghanistan.”
“I’m sure they’re taking a close look at this Terry Jones character in Florida,” surmised Bridget Duncan, Professor of Middle East Policy at Occidental University. “Red flags are one thing, but any so-called ‘pastor’ planning Koran burnings and publishing books with titles like “Islam is of The Devil”(
http://www.myfoxny.com/dpps/news/florida-church-to-burn-copies-of-koran-to-mark-9-11-dpgonc-20100730-gc_8937270), it would seem, is practically begging to be scrutinized by our security agencies as a potential terrorist operative.”
“Instigation and agitation by
agent provocateurs is certainly nothing new,” said anti-terrorism expert Srinivas Muktevi. “If all it costs Al Qaeda to get 100 or more Americans protesting against Islam in any form to be shown on every major news network including Al Jazeera is the price of buying some ignorant redneck a six pack of beer, a dozen pieces of poster board, and three or four ‘Sharpies’, then from a recruiting standpoint they’re getting one hell of a bang for the buck– if you’ll pardon the expression.”
Muktevi, author of the Pulitzer prize-winning book,
The Pacifist Terrorist, advises the public to remain vigilant. “We must all bear in mind that anyone who encourages us to participate in any sort of extreme activity, such as an anti-Islam or anti-mosque protest demonstration, could potentially be an Al Qaeda operative.”