Hey, ex-Gov. Palin, we’re starting to see a trend here.
We’ve talked before about the planned Cordoba House Islamic center in New York City (here, here and here), which Fox News and the shrieking right like to call the “Ground Zero Mosque” – even though it’s neither at Ground Zero nor a mosque – but it’s worth revisiting if only because it has proven to be a veritable bottomless pit of right-wing histrionics. It’s the gift that keeps giving, so to speak, if the gift you’re looking for happens to be Islamophobic lunacy.
And speaking of lunacy, few conservatives plumb the depths of crazy quite like one Pamela Geller, the wild-eyed banshee of right-wing Muslim-bashing. Ms. Geller, you may recall, believes that al Qaeda “is Islam” and once nearly swooned when a guest on Sean Hannity’s propaganda show said that moderate Islam “doesn’t exist.” Not surprisingly, she also has a big problem with Cordoba House:
The Ground Zero mosque is an offensive insult, it’s a stab in the eye. I have no problem with mosques across the city. But we’re talking about history, and Islamic history, of building triumphal mosques on the cherished sites of conquered lands.“A stab in the eye”? That’s a little melodramatic, even for Pamela Geller.
But if you think Pam’s a bit, well, nuts when it comes to Islam generally and to the Cordoba House in particular, wait’ll you get a load of her partners in crime – John Joseph Jay and David Yerushalmi. These two are worse than the worst parody of right-wing hate and paranoia. But don’t take my word for it; here’s the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Hatewatch on Mr. Jay:
Nobody on the far right, it seems, has been able to surpass Geller for anti-Obama epithets with a Muslim-bashing twist. She has called the president “a third worlder and a coward” who is anxious to “appease his Islamic overlords.” On another occasion, she wrote that Obama “wants jihad to win.” But now a founding board member of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI) — a group founded by Geller, apparently to act as an umbrella for the SIOA {Stop the Islamization of America} she co-founded — is doing his best to be even more vitriolic than her. His rants, coupled with his apparently close relationship to Geller, cast new doubt on Geller’s already extremely doubtful claim to be a reasonable critic of Muslims and Islam generally.http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_KUv-WQTmpQM/TGLDfMOb1FI/AAAAAAAAABo/loTMZuGZMbg/s320/Geller+MTA+Ad.jpgMore:
http://refudiatethissarah.blogspot.com/2010/08/sarahpalinusa-finding-racist-extremism.htmlHat-tip to:
http://twitter.com/Dave_von_Ebers/status/20912176593See also:
Why did no one object to the "Pentagon mosque"?