Tula Connell, Aug 11, 2010
In their attack on the union movement, extremist reactionary media outlets increasingly are depicting unions and workers as thugs, Communists and destroyers of free enterprise. Media Matters has compiled these recent attacks and we’re cross-posting some of the watchdog group’s findings here. We urge all unionists to take a minute from pinko thuggery to check it out.
The Blame Game: Conservative Media Try to Pin Problems on Unions
Beck says unions have “raped” police and firefighters. On the August 4 edition of his radio program, Glenn Beck said of unions: “Look what they’ve done to the police and firemen. They’ve raped these guys. Along with politicians. Along with politicians—raped them. The bravest among us.” Beck went on to ask, “What, do you think the politicians are not in bed with the unions?”
Beck blames unions for woes of local governments and industries. On the February 25 edition of “The Glenn Beck Program,” Beck blamed unions for the financial woes of local governments, the auto industry, airlines, schools, the steel industry, and the textile industry. He continued: “Mr. President, until you get the unions out of this business, I don’t think we have anything to talk about.”
Carlson blames cost of living in NYC on “union pensions” and “raising taxes” for “schools.” On the August 5 edition of Fox News’ “Fox & Friends,” co-host Gretchen Carlson asserted that the cost of living in New York City, California, and Honolulu is “so expensive” “because of union pensions; because of raising costs for other things; for raising taxes along the way for schools.” Carlson concluded: “If you go back in history and look at who incorporated a lot of that, maybe the blame comes right back to the same party. Or maybe it doesn’t.”
Root: “Unions destroy capitalism and free enterprise.” On the May 27, 2009, edition of Fox News’ “Glenn Beck,” guest Wayne Allyn Root stated that a “point we all agree on” is that “unions destroy capitalism and free enterprise.” As examples, Root cited the public school system, the auto industry, and the steel industry. Beck pushed back slightly, stating that he’s “against unions, but not all unions” and explaining that “the way to success is to be a decent person, treat other people with dignity, give them a good fair living wage because if you’re good to your people they’re going to make a better product, everybody wins.”
Bernard: “
lot of labor unions are what holds America back and keeps us from being as good as we can be.” On the August 19, 2009, edition of MSNBC’s “Morning Meeting,” Independent Women’s Forum CEO Michelle Bernard stated:
The labor unions right now simply exist for one reason: To self-perpetuate, receiving union dues, and having political influence. I think it’s absolutely amazing to watch that clip from “The Rachel Maddow Show” last night where this guy is, he’s saying to President Obama, “I’m strong arming you, buddy.”
And my answer to this would be they are showing themselves to be as ridiculous as many members of the American public think they are. What happened to pragmatism, what happened to competition, and what actually happened to winning? Maybe it would be great for the Democratic Party to lose the support of labor unions because quite honestly, a lot of labor unions are what holds America back and keeps us from being as good as we can be.
FULL story at link.