In a document entitled “Modernising Australia’s Welfare System,” the Labor government yesterday announced far-reaching measures designed to punish the unemployed and dismantle welfare entitlements.
Labor’s welfare plan, released 10 days before the August 21 federal election, makes clear that one of the central agenda items of a re-elected Gillard government will be to force jobless workers off benefits and into low-paid work, and to give employers a green light to slash pay and conditions.
The announcement is the first instalment of deep cuts to social spending that will follow the election, regardless of whether Labor or Liberal forms the next government, in order to lower corporate taxes and repay the debt incurred through the government’s bailout of the banks and major corporations in 2007-08...
Labor’s welfare document also confirms that the government plans to impose its “income management scheme” throughout the entire country. The scheme deprives welfare recipients of 50 percent of their fortnightly benefits and redirects those funds onto “BasicsCards” or direct debit arrangements for approved purchases, such as food, clothing, rents and utility bills. The Rudd/Gillard government had already extended the “welfare quarantining” measure—which the previous Howard government initially introduced to 75 Aboriginal communities in the Northern Territory (NT)—to all welfare recipients, indigenous and non-indigenous alike, in the NT...