During the Vietnam adventure we had lights in our cities, paved roads, teachers, firemen and a strong middle class. Today the lights are going our in our cities, states are unpaving roads, the government is attempting to privatize schools and the middle class is rapidly becoming obsolete. Our retirements savings are going to the big guys at the Wall Street Casino and the military industrial complex.
During the Vietnam adventure the Federal government paid unemployment compensation, gave money to cities and towns, maintained the civil infrastructure and kept the military industrial complex humming. Today our infrastructure is falling apart, government assistance to cities and towns is on the decline and global warming is rearing its ugly head. Today's Republicans routinely block any assistance or programs targeted to 'We the People'.
During the Vietnam adventure the top Federal tax rate was 60% and the Capital Gains tax rate was 36.5%. Today the top Federal tax rate is 35% and the Capital Gains tax rate is 20%. The big guys got multi-year 'Death Tax' and income exemptions.
I think these two adventures are going to bring down the United States economy. :(