"20 Worst-Paying College Degrees in 2010"
Three of these top twenty professions have to do with education, a sad statement about how our society values and prioritizes what is truly of value to us. While Wall St. workers can start out at 2-3 the rate of pay of teachers, while lawyers and business types start out far ahead of teachers, those of us in education, who generally take the most college classes, and thus have the most college debt burden, get stuck at the very bottom.
Is it any wonder that bright, talented students who would love to go into teaching move on to something else besides teaching. They can't afford to teach. Back in the bad old days education benefited from the captive labor force of women, but women are no longer relegated to a couple of professions, thus they are shunning education for the low paying job it is.
If you look at Japan and Finland, the top two education systems in the world, what you find is that teachers are valued, respected, and paid, like doctors are in this country. This kind of reward attracts the best and brightest to the profession, and the benefits of having the best and brightest in the profession is obvious.
But we try to do education on the cheap in this country, always have. While we talk a good game about education being a high priority in our society, when the rubber meets the road, we slash, and slash some more out of education budgets across the country.
The fact of the matter is that while we continue to underpay teachers, continue to underfund education, our education system is going to among the worst in the developed world. Doesn't matter how many standardized tests you throw at the kids, or how much you privatize education, until we start truly fund education, it is going to remain an running sore.
Twenty six billion is barely a down payment on this. What is needed is a concerted effort to fully fund every school facility and to insure that teachers are amongst the top tier of high paying professions in this country. It is that simple. Otherwise, we will continue to do future generations a horrible disservice.
This solution has been known for a long while. But the fact of the matter is that nobody wants to state the obvious, state the truth. Instead, they want to continue to try and do education on the cheap, while spending trillions on wars.
Don't you think it is past time we rearranged our priorities?