It IS about what sort of thinking motivates a person to act in conservative manners.
And understanding that is very important to understanding why conservatism is chosen by some as solving their deepest existential concerns.
Conservatism has been studied by sociologists and psychologists and a metanalysis of that work was published
Within the 80 or so studies they included in their metanalysis (analysis that analyzes previous studies) they found 8 elements that account for much of the variability in motivation to conservative social behavior.
The paper is titled “Political conservatism as motivated social cognition” (Psychological Bulletin vol 129, pp 339-375).
Here are my notes on it... obviously the authors haven't approved my interpretation and I accept that my own limitations may result in something of a biased summary of their paper.
(Things that appear in parentheses are notes to myself intended to help me understand the paper)
The authors,Jost et al,reviewed the work of 19 authors (historians, journalists, and political scientists) concerning the ideology of conservatism. From the review, Jost et al derived two features that represent persistent features of conservatism regardless of its geopolitical, or temporal context. They used these to describe the core dimensions that characterize conservative principles:
1. Opposition to change (privileges status quo or urges return to idealized old state)
2. Acceptance of inequality (legitimizes asymmetries of wealth and status).
Other dimensions of conservatism are context dependent and are considered peripheral dimensions. Because of the influence of historic circumstance, at any given time what is considered conservative may not be deemed so at another time. It seems at times some of these may play more significant roles than at other times.
(The theoretical principles at work here seems to be that peripheral aspects of political conservatism reflect responses to problems that create a psychological need to manage personal or social variables that distress an individuals’ relationships with core dimensions. Such need(s) motivates conservative individuals toward social attitudes whose predictable manifestation characterize day-to-day political conservatism.)
Various theories postulate explanatory correlations between social-psychological variables and conservatism. Consequently, the paper presents an interesting summary of behavioral and attitudinal orientation that characterize the peripheral dimensions of conservatism. It should be noted that Jost et al don’t fully discriminate right wing from conservative politics.).
Personality Theories–
-Authoritarianism (exploits status inequalities for decision/rule making, and includes acquiescence to authority)
-Dogmatism (opposes new explanation/interpretive models, promotes reliance on tried solutions)
-Intolerance to Ambiguity (emphasizes boundaries/distinctions ,
literal interpretation of rules. This makes conservatives vulnerable to Manicheism–the division of reality into absolute good and absolute evil.)
Existential Needs Theories–
-Closure (provides release from anxiety of ambiguity, promotes adoption of available solutions above wrestling with uncertainty and confusion )
-Regulatory focus (emphasizes stability , promotes cravings for security)
-Terror management/Fear of Death (promotes and protects systems that provide avenues of death denial/transcendence)
Ideological Rationalization–
-Social dominance (promotes legitimizing myths (such as divinely chosen people, classes of people, and nations) that support personal or group hegemony and enables/endorses identification and punishment of deviants/minorities)
-System justification (resolves conflicts about personal status/treatment by rationalization of the system’s worth, promotes defense of the system against threats even at high social or personal cost–as required for justifying death in war)
The authors evaluated 88 published studies (some of these are European so the paper is not only about conservatism in the US) to determine if correlations between political conservatism and expectations derived from the theories...they found the following correlations:
death anxiety (r =.50)
system stability (r = .47) (not surprising since opposition to change is a core dimension)
dogmatism/intolerance to ambiguity ( r =.34)
openness to experience (r=-.32)
uncertainty tolerance (r=-.27)
needs for order/structure/closure (r=.26)
integrative complexity (r=-.20)
fear of threat and/or loss (r=.18)
self-esteem (r=-.09)
(Consequently, these correlates represent how political conservatives orient to some social/psychological variables that had been previously successfully used to characterize the peripheral dimensions of conservatism. Comparison of political liberals and political conservatives along these same variables was hampered by the lack of available studies of political liberalism. Conservatism and its radical rightwing spin-offs seem to have been much more interesting to academics than liberalism.)
Here are examples taken from the internet during the past 18 months:
(1) mental rigidity and closed-mindedness; (Stop THEM, just say no to all 'democrat'legislation, Tax cuts are the answer to EVERY problem)
(2) lowered self-esteem; (Stop THEM
, they come in and take all the good jobs.)
(3) fear, anger, and aggression; (Attack THEM, Yes, we know Iraq didn't attack the WTC, but someone MUST be punished. We must look strong to the rest of the world.)
(4) pessimism, disgust, and contempt; (From a congressman: “Stop feeding THEM , they are like stray dogs, it will only make them dependent.” From a teabagger: “If you quit giving people that stuff, they would figure out how to do it on their own,”)
(5) loss prevention; (Stop THEM, if they do X it will be the end of America, example: there will be death panels determining your healthcare)
(6) fear of death; (fear THEM, they are going to come into your house and kill you, get an assault rifle, and a permit to carry a concealed pistol.)
(7) fear of social and economic deprivation (fear Them, they are after your--profits, job, doctor, etc)
(8) fear of threats to the stability of the social system. (fear Them, they are going to destroy marriage; they are going to destroy AMERIKA as we know it!)
The work of Jost’s et al stirred up a hornets nest during W's first term.
If you google the title: Political Conservatism as Motivated Social Cognition
You will come up with the original article and the line of studies that have followed.