http://www.elliscountypress.com/news/126/ARTICLE/6641/2010-07-15.htmlAs the Boy Scouts proclaim ‘Be Prepared!’ JIMMIE SIMMONS July 15th, 2010 "From the very beginning of the United States," wrote the Kennedy brothers, James Ronald and Walter Donald, in their Was Jefferson Davis Right?, "there were warnings about the possibility of factions forming that would eventually gain control of the United States government and use its powers to oppress the minority." "James Madison, speaking at the Virginia Convention in 1788, addressed these concerns by stating that ‘abuse of power, by the majority trampling on the rights of the minority produced factions and commotions, which, in republics, have more frequently than any other cause, produced despotism .’"
Madison, who coauthored The Federalist Papers, along with Alexander Hamilton but, as we are finally discovering, for opposite ultimate purposes, believed the states were so strong they would prove to be a danger to the newly founded form of federal government.
If this were only the case…
As it’s turning out in our present time frame, Madison was correct in having concerns about the trampling of rights, but it certainly is not the states trampling on the feds, rather quite the opposite.
And, the fed has managed to gain its power, partially anyway, using the ballot box majority attained by BOTH political parties in the various election cycles (who seem hell-bent on growing government, irrespective of the wishes of the people or the rules set forth by the constitution).
Horrifically, the bureaucracies, having learned the rules of power and, not having the turn-over of politicians, have taken on a tyrannical life of their own and need little encouragement from the current politicians and, having no compunction of their own, lord it over the minority AND THE MAJORITY.
Another facet of the rule of the majority has been the maximum effort put forth by the National Education Association and other "education" unions to play-up socialism and play-down free enterprise, individual liberty, and historical truth.
The Three R’s also suffer under the current rule. True teachers must spout the education party line or suffer the consequences. Of course, students are the biggest losers.
The end result of this "education" dominance is a new set of citizens, programmed to major on socially provided materialism, immediate self gratification and possessing a bent to vote for the more liberal candidates and their programs.
Obama’s election is a prime example.
Only those students fully prepared at home and/or in an exemplary Biblical atmosphere escape.
Yet another major player in our slide to socialism, with majorities and certain powers seizing all power is the so-called major or mass media.
Let’s go ahead and call it what it is: The Fourth Estate on the Left.
The founders established and the states ratified three estates of federal government: the executive, the legislative, and (lastly) the judicial. Some say the current Fourth Estate has essentially eaten up the first three estates.
I hesitate to disagree.
Then there are the divisions that have almost always been there.
Early on, the Northeast and its industrialism players held the majority card over the agrarian South, playing it to their advantage time after time…until the South finally seceded in 1860-61.
Not being able to do their constitutional right and peacefully secede, a long war resulted in the armies of the Southern states finally surrendering.
The sectional divisions remain to this day, almost totally unchanged from, say, 1860-1861, reflected in our current Red-Blue state maps.
Take a look, for example, at www.vaughns-1-pagers.com/politics/red-blue-states-summary.htm
And we have yet to look at the minorities situation.
Unless something drastic wakes up the black population, their 98 percent for Obama in ‘08 Texas leaves us scratching our head (we were supposed to be the ones who were racial and biased???)
Personally, I think our best bet for actually following the lead and works of the founders is for Texas to secede, but that would take decades of re-education to accomplish.
For now, the 2010 Election is our best and brightest hope. As the Boy Scouts of America proclaim, Be Prepared!
May Yahweh, King of the Universe, through Yeshua, bless Texas and America.