Reducing corporate taxes DOESN'T CREATE JOBS! IN FACT when you give corporations tax cuts they use the extra cash to MOVE with!
Corporate America already has 1.8 trillion dollars sitting on the sideline. If they're not spending that money to create jobs WHY would giving them MORE money change anything?
Conservative woman are dumber than dirt. They just repeat what the men tell them to say! This is a Wall Street talking point!
When the Chinese work for a few dollars a day, NO corporation is going to come back to America and pay people ten times more just because they got a tax cut! Get a fucking clue ^%$#!
The only way to create job growth in the private sector is to INCREASE DEMAND by stimulis or job growth that only comes from SMALL BUSINESSES WHO ARE NOT PUBLICLY OWNED MULIT-NATIONAL CORPORATIONS!
Nikki Haley’s ‘Jobs Plan’: Eliminating Corporate Taxes And $260 Million In State Revenue
Today, South Carolina Republican gubernatorial candidate Nikki Haley unveiled her first major policy proposal of the general election campaign — a jobs plan that centers around a complete elimination of corporate income taxes. “The first thing we want to do is eliminate the corporate income tax,” Haley said. “To be able to say we are a right-to-work state and a no-corporate-income-tax state is going to cause businesses to want to come, and it will create jobs in the process.”
South Carolina collects about $260 million each year in corporate income taxes, which amounts to 4.5 percent of the general fund. A similar proposal to eliminate corporate taxes was tabled by the state senate earlier this year, due to concerns over declining revenues. These fears are well-founded: a recent report by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities outlined deep cuts South Carolina has made since the recession began, including:
– Eliminating a program that helps seniors pay for prescription drug costs not covered by Medicare part D.
– Reducing funding for programs that serve people who have disabilities or are elderly.
– Cutting state education grants to school districts and education programs, along with higher education operating funding and financial aid.
– The South Carolina Department of Juvenile Justice has lost almost one-fourth of its state funding, resulting in over 260 layoffs and the closing of five group homes, two dormitories, and 25 after-school programs.
Though Haley claims eliminating corporate income taxes will spur job growth — something the CBO has consistently said doesn’t work at the federal level — revenue shortfalls in South Carolina are already directly threatening state worker jobs. The last state budget left 3,000 state workers facing layoffs, with even more facing furloughs. worked for two hundred years to get rights and to be taken seriously and now here comes the pink elephants to screw everything up!
Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, Sharron Angle and Nikki Haley are ALL fronting for a Christian right MAN'S movement! IMHO