The hinge on Dick Lugar for me is this: I don't like him very much generally but like him better than most current-serving Republicans in the Senate.
A thin case in Lugar's behalf can be made against the late Jesse Helms. The two men disliked each other. There was no real political justice to allow Helms to serve as he did in Foreign Relations and to diminish Lugar's profile and contributions, but the GOP caucus did just that.
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Helms clashed with other Republicans over the years, including fellow Sen. Richard Lugar of Indiana in 1987, after Democrats had won a Senate majority. Helms had promised in his 1984 campaign not to take the chairmanship of the Foreign Relations Committee, but he invoked seniority over Lugar to claim the seat as the panel’s ranking Republican. - -
A case could be made that Lugar knows his stuff on nuclear weapons and the potential danger of rogue nukes across the planet.
And it would be generally fair to say that he is "not as bad" as other Republicans who comprise the Congressional caucus in his state, as virtually all of the rest of them are raving lunatics: Coats, Pence, Burton, Buyer, etc.
But still.
But still I would urge the State Democratic Party in Indiana and the national party to mobilize a challenger for this race and to dump some serious cash into the goal of winning it. Lugar is very popular; his seat is likely safe. But the fight matters, and we can't articulate opposition to his usual conservative votes unless we nominate someone to challenge the man, unlike in the last cycle when we let Lugar win unopposed.