August 11th, 2010 8:17 PM
Wall Street increasingly favors Republicans: study1 of 1
Reuters) – Wall Street and its financial allies did an about-face in political spending in June, giving Republicans over two-thirds of their campaign contributions as Democrats pushed financial reform forward in Congress, a report said on Tuesday.
The preliminary findings by the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics suggest that a financial industry trend favoring Republican candidates, which began in late 2009, may have accelerated as reform legislation progressed in the run-up to November's congressional mid-term elections.
The Washington research group found that individuals and political action committees connected with the finance, insurance and real estate sectors gave 68 percent of their money to Republican interests in June, just before President Barack Obama signed financial reform into law.
Nearly opposite conditions held sway in March 2009, when 70 percent of the industry's contributions went to Democrats.
Republicans also received most of the industry's contributions in each of the first six months of 2010, according to the Center, which cautioned that its numbers are expected to change as it gleans further data from federal disclosure documents.
The findings are likely to come as a blow to Democrats, who are fighting to retain their control of the House of Representatives and face a smaller risk of losing the Senate. ............(more)
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