Don't ask me how I got on their mailing list...but here are the details/warnings dates-5 big events
Sacramento,st louis,D.C.
Glenn Beck’s 8/28 Restoring Honor at the Lincoln Memorial
TPP 8/29 Recycle Government: Repeal, Replace, Restore Rally at Upper Senate Park
When Glenn Beck announced his 8/28 Restoring Honor event at the Lincoln Memorial, thousands of you made plans to attend. You also let us know that for many of you, returning to D.C. just two weeks later for the 9/12 March on DC was too hard on your wallet (gee, if only Congress had this much sense) and suggested we have a Tea Party the next day.
We pay attention to what you say, and do our best to make it happen. As we started to plan a Tea Party for 8/29, Glenn’s team approached Tea Party Patriots and asked us if we could provide grassroots volunteers for his event. Could we ever! You stepped up to volunteer in record time.
So, on Sunday morning, August 29, Tea Patriots will hold a rally at Upper Senate Park before you head out of DC and back home. Our theme will be Recycle Government: Repeal, Reduce, Restore, as it will be at the 9/12 March on DC two weeks later.
Glenn has made it clear that the 8/28 Restoring Honor event is non-political, so signs and banners would be inappropriate in that setting. However, the 8/29 Recycle Government Tea Party is definitely political, so bring those signs and banners!
I believe in recycling . . . do you?
See you on 8/29!
We want you to have a great Tea Party experience in D.C if you can’t get back in two weeks for the 9/12 March on DC. Combine that with Glenn’s exciting show and you have the makings of an unforgettable weekend!