Ben Quayl Denies Blogging for Racy Website
The site's founder alleged Quayl wrote a column in 2007 under the pseudonym "Brock Landers," a reference to a porn star character in the movie "Boogie Nights," about picking up attractive women at Scottsdale's bars and nightclubs.
The column he is alleged to have written was called "Brock's Chick" and included photos of scantily dressed women.
On Wednesday, Quayl told Politico that he "was not involved in the site."
Then, on the same day, he changed his story, telling a local news station he just "posted comments to try to drive some traffic."
On Thursday, he told that his story had remained the same.
"My story has been consistent from day one," he said. "I'm not a co-founder of this website. I have no affiliation with website pushing this site. I did give a referral to the person who runs this website. I made a couple of comments a couple of years ago."
Asked if he wrote under the pseudonym Brock Landers, Quayl told emphatically: "I am not Brock Landers." ABCNewsI'm not a lawyer but is saying "I'm not Brock Landers" the same as saying "I did not write under the pseudonym 'Brock Landers?'" :shrug: