From Baltimore to Mogadishu (Mugisho)* one thing never ceases to amaze me. That is how much money can be taken, exhorted if you will, from the poorest of the poor. I used those two cities in the title and first line simply because they were both the locations of popular TV fare that I've watched recently. One program was "The Wire" and the other was the movie "Blackhawk Down". Setting the stories of each program aside for a moment in each case they take place in a setting where the very poorest of the poor are being exploited to the tunes of million upon millions of dollars. And there is a strong ring of truth in each case.
You'd think that the rich would be frightened of strangling the goose that's laying the golden eggs; that they wouldn't want to kill the middle class that they have so successfully milked, in fact milked with ever increasing success, since the day Ronald Reagan took the oath of office. But then you hear the story of how Heroin dealers in the poorest part of a crumbling city can suck millions of dollars out of the community year after year and you come to understand that the rich have no reason at all to care about the middle class. No matter how poor we all become we will still be as easy to milk as a junkie on a street corner.
Its a sobering if unpleasant realization.