All you hear on the MSM is about how terrible things are and how republicans are going to take back congress! Any good news is not reported, unless you watch Keith or Rachel, and sometimes even they miss the good news! What I think it means is the media and the right wing are going full force to scare voters, but it's not really working. The right hopes that voters ares stupid enough to forget who it was that "really" got us in this mess, who it was that deregulated everything for the benefit of big corporations, and who it was that gave the rich 2 huge tax cuts during the Bush years. They also don't seem to have anything on their minds but "fear and smear", the good old stand by that has worked so many times in the past. They have gone alienated the Spanish vote, pissed off many of the unemployed with their sick remarks about them being lazy and not wanting to go back to work. They went after single mothers, Muslims, and said that helping teachers, fire fighters and police was just another "bailout" to special interest groups, and have been lying through their teeth about how keeping the tax cuts for the rich will be so good for he country even though they won't be paid for and the fact that letting them expire would reduce the deficit by around 30%. They think that the american public is not listening to these things, but they are wrong! Sure their brain dead base is all worked up and ready to do whatever it s that Rush and Beck tell them to do, but the base is full of radicals and crazy people, and it won't get them elected. They have also created a monster with the teabaggers who are not taking primary races away from the incumbent republicans! It also think that there will be more teabagger candidates on the ballots come November, and it won't help the republicans at all!
Summer is almost over and if democrats and the president go after the republicans and use all the things they have said and done they will be able to put the republicans on the defense, and if they can keep them there, they stand a good chance of keeping control of congress. They may loss a few seats, but not control. The republicans are making it very easy if only the democrats will take the lead and start attacking them, and keep attacking till election day! The media is controlled by the right, but even they can't keep republicans from putting their foot in their mouth! People will get the message, and even even most of those on the left that are mad at the president will come to their senses by election day and realize that if republicans take back congress it's all over and all we will see in congress is the republicans trying to impeach the president and stalling every bill that comes to the floor. It will be a wasted 2 more years, and in their hearts they know they really don't want to see that!