under attack!!
Social Issues by mpdieck1858
Today America is under attack as never before in her history. Americans has allowed this nation to be led by those who do not lead according to the principles that Christians hold so dear, they disregard such old fashioned ideals as morality, family values and even honesty. They regard fundamental Christians as out of touch with the realities of a today’s humanistic America, where even the constitution that our great nation was founded on is of little value and only adhered to when it suits their purpose.
Many in America are rightfully concerned about the path this nation is on, they worry about high unemployment, the ever increasing national debt and an ever growing federal government. America cries, where are our leaders, where are the men and women of vision who can lead America out of harms way and back to her former greatness. Let me say America will never again be the leader of the free world until America’s Christian don the whole armor of god and rid America of wickedness in high places. The problems that America faces today are a direct result of a government that has rejected the voice of God and rule this nation by their own humanistic principles. Can any of us doubt that our government has lost touch with middle America and no longer listens to the will of the people. Man can do little right without help from God and this evidence is now before us for as we are a nation led by those who can do little right.
We who call ourselves Christians must answer the clarion call, don the whole armor of God and fight to save America and restore her to the Christians principles she was founded on, the very same principles that made her a great freedom loving nation. Now is the time we stop compromising our values, now is the time we stopped voting for those whose beliefs have failed our country. We have the right, the duty, and the need to elect Christian men and women to lead this nation before it is too late. It is the duty of every Christian to be active in the politics of America and at the very least support fellow Christians at the ballot boxes. There is no separation of church and state when it comes to our right to vote for those who will lead this nation not by their own will but by the will of God.
I realize that many in America are of a faith other than Christian and that some are agnostics, I in no way desire to minimize their love or desire to serve this nation of ours. I understand that all Americans who love freedom and the principles that this nation was founded have a duty to fight to keep America from the path of socialism that those in power in Washington are intent to bring to America. I understand this fight will take all of us who love freedom and justice and I encourage every American regardless of their personnel beliefs to unite to save America from the dismal future that seems to await her under the current leadership in Washington.