More fear, guess their internal polls might not be looking so good after all.
"We must win, or Amurika will pay!"
Conservative media figures have used extreme and violent rhetoric to drum up support for the GOP in the midterm elections and have warned of the consequences of continued Democratic majorities in Congress.
Conservatives warn of dire consequences of midterm elections
Blankley: "he country will be rocked to its core" if GOP fails to reclaim majority. In an August 9 Washington Times op-ed, Tony Blankley warned that the country will be "rocked to its core" if the GOP doesn't retake the House this fall. He also described a "foul and dangerous brew" that the Republicans will need to counter, a part of which, he said, is "the thwarting of the public will -- with glee -- by the entrenched, non-elected powers (in the courts, media, colleges and government bureaucracies)." After listing all the conservative policies he hopes will be enacted if the Republicans do end up with a majority, Blankley wrote:
No, what worries me is a scenario in which the GOP does not take back the House and at least make major gains in the Senate, or takes it back but fails to find the power to begin having a serious check on administration policies and actions. I don't say that with a mere partisan, boostering mentality.
Rather, if the upcoming election results fail for any reason (including GOP campaign incompetence) to empower the public's overwhelming desire to stop and reverse the "fundamental transformation" of the United States -- I suspect the country will be rocked to its core within the following months and few years.
Conservatives at Right Online conference use extreme rhetoric to stump for GOP votes in midterms.
While speaking at the 2010 Right Online conference, held July 23-24, a number of conservative media figures used extreme rhetoric to show support for the GOP in the upcoming midterm elections.
•Fox Business contributor Herman Cain expressed his hope that "in November of 2010, we're going to change the house of politicians back to the House of Representatives, the way it was supposed to be" and "take back our government."
•RedState's Erick Erickson, who is also a CNN contributor, stated: "We're coming. We're going to take over." Erickson later attacked the left for being "so wrapped up in this idea that we should all be equal" when, he claimed, "he only way for us to be equal is for us to be slaves ... to government."
•Wall Street Journal columnist John Fund said that "very 75 years is a generation that is called upon to do maximum sacrifices to keep this country free" and that "you're the next generation." He went on to say that former Democratic pollster Pat Caddell "says the polls he looks at shows this country is in a pre-revolutionary mentality."
•After saying that the United States had won against the British Empire, German militants, Nazis, and communists, radio host Kirby Wilbur declared: "We're at a crossroads in American history where on November 2, we will decide if we are the America of Van Jones and Reverend Wright and Saul Alinsky or the America of James Madison and Thomas Jefferson."
•Fox News host Andrew Napolitano told the audience that they were one of the few generations "granted the role of defending freedom in its maximum hour of danger."
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