I just tuned in to Laura Flanders tonight and she had a segment on this, and I looked up on the web another story that just came out this week how the Coalition of Immokalee Workers is making a big effort now to expose how Trader Joe's is using outfits that are providing much of their tomatoes they sell at cheaper prices through what has been prosecuted as using "slave labor" conditions to produce them.
I buy most of my groceries now at New Seasons here in Portland, who is even better than Whole Foods about being natural and buying local (and not having a funky CEO that bad mouths single payer health care). I do notice though at times when some items are significantly higher priced there than some place like Trader Joe's where I have done most of my business in the past, especially before moving to Portland. One of those areas I'd noticed was the tomatoes that were usually a buck cheaper at TJ's than at New Seasons. During the times of the year that both stores got them from Mexico, I'd buy them from TJ's in those cases. This time of year I take advantage of New Seasons selling local tomatoes, etc. where TJ's does not (still imports them from Mexico).
Now with this news:
http://www.gaycitynews.com/articles/2010/08/11/news/doc4c630ed5ab347625543692.txtI'm more inclined to buy them from New Seasons, and when they go out of season here in Oregon, I'll be quizzing New Seasons on their policies with the labor conditions that produce their produce then too.
I'm willing to pay more for locally produced produce as well as those that are certified to providing decent labor conditions for their workers. Perhaps we need something analogous to "Fair Trade" certification that is now available to help us buy coffee ethically.
Anyone with me?
I do like Trader Joe's for most stuff, and it sounds like this group doesn't want us to boycott TJ's yet, but just see how much pressure we can put on them to do the right thing!
I still love getting salads from TJ's with their selection, etc. I'm hoping they are made "properly" so that I don't have to find some other place to get reasonable salads too.