Edited on Fri Aug-13-10 08:37 PM by Zephie
Yesterday I got into it with a man who showed up for my Dungeons and Dragons group. A friend of mine who also plays with us is from Alaska and he and I joked about seeing Russia from his house, and the newcomer to our group completely flipped out and started yelling about "damn liberals and their lies". We were stunned for a few moments as up to that point I had never met a gamer who was also a conservative, before I calmly asked exactly what we were lying about.
After about 20 minutes of incoherent babbling on his part about how liberals were trying to eliminate social security and medicare for seniors, how Canada's health care system was a complete failure, how tax breaks for those who make over 200k a year would save the economy, how Clinton caused the economic collapse, and how it's directly Obama's fault that he lost his job after the business he worked at went under (as a dishwasher at a restaurant with a terrible reputation.) We ended up on the topic of the middle east where finally he shouted so loud the whole room stopped that we had every right to be invading those countries because "They're damn Muslims! What don't you understand about that?! They aren't really people at all!" My husband promptly responded with "So... You're racist?" to which he replied "You can't be racist against something that isn't a person".
Someone's been drinking the kool-aide pretty hard. Any thoughts on how exactly I should handle this guy if he shows up again? He apparently isn't the type to get a hint about not being wanted as he petitioned us for a ride home afterwards (after the DM tried to kill him repetedly), and I'm honestly itching for a round two.