Edited on Fri Aug-13-10 08:47 PM by UTUSN
so-called "strictness".
The caller sounded like a young dude and accused jackass-HANNITY of violating the Constitution, on the grounds of HANNITY's having supported Shrub wars withOUT Congress DECLARING WAR.
Anyway, HANNITY flew off the handle and accused the caller of being a (oh-no) LIBRUL!1
Where the caller hated him and declared he is a LIBERTARIAN.
So, anyway, the Caller/Libertarian accused HANNITY of NOT-kissing the Constitution's ASS on the grounds of Shrub's having launched TWO "wars" on his own authority withOUT the Congress's DECLARING WAR!1 -----------------SCANDALOUS!1
So, HANNITY (the greatest Supreme Court justice EVER!1) declared that in his (the Caller's) "Libertarian BRAIN" he (the Libertarian Caller) didn't understand that when the Congress ALLOCATED the cash for a war AND that when Congress GIVES the p'dent AUTHORITY to attack, it MEANS THAT Congres is DECLARING WAR!1
SO, correct me if I'm WRONG, but this means that HANNITY is NOT a STRICK-CONSTRUCTIONALIST or ORIGINALIST, but, rather, is an INTERPRETER of the C-word?!1 -------Right/correct?!1