do not know Private First Class Bradley Manning, so I have no idea what motivated him to join the U.S. military in the first place. His youth, perhaps. Or maybe the sense of adventure promoted in the military marketing material. His reported sense of isolation may also have had something to I do with his enlisting. I suspect, however, that Superman’s “Truth, Justice and the American Way” also played a role.
Deep within each of us, I think we all want to wear that red cape and be a hero. We all want to do something selfless and brave. Ironically, it may be Bradley’s final act as a member of the military that will prove to be his most courageous.
Charged with leaking the video of an Apache helicopter attack in which 11 Iraqis died and 2 children were gravely injured, Bradley Manning faces charges that would put him behind bars for five decades. It is critical, then, that people within the United States and around the world weigh the supposed crime of whistle-blowing against the crime of the war itself. Then decide who really deserves to be punished.
The true reasons for the invasion of Iraq, which had nothing to do with Weapons of Mass Destruction or Iraq’s (nonexistent) support of Al Qaida, have been painfully obvious for years now. Unbelievably, however, there are many U.S. citizens who continue to believe the lies they were told. Their government would not, could not ever lie to them. Right? Americans, their allies and, most importantly, the young men and women who would put their lives at risk in Baghdad and Sadr City and elsewhere, were told that the invasion of Iraq would bring increased security to the United States. That it would bring democracy and freedom to the people of Iraq.
When he enlisted, I suspect that Bradley shared those sentiments. His picture and smile evidence gentleness and trust. If Bradley Manning did leak anything, which we do not yet know, he certainly did not enlist and go overseas to do so. More likely, what he saw while he was there changed who and what he trusted. It did not, however, change what he believed in – which was still truth and justice.
Continued: Manning defense fund FAQ: