Allowing the Bush-era tax cuts to expire will remove a massive boon for America's rich, which benefitted the most from Republican policies over the last decade. Reinstatement of the Estate Tax, the Alternative Minimum Tax and the return of pre-Bush income tax levels for the richest Americans (among other tax changes) will result in an increase of more than $217 billion in tax revenues for 2010 and 2011. The expirations will then contribute another $1.25 trillion from 2012 through 2015, and an additional $2.2 trillion from 2016 to 2020.(13) The Center for Economic and Policy Research projects that it could take a decade for the US to return to pre-2008 unemployment levels.(14) The unemployment problem, however, could be greatly reduced if even a portion of the more than $3.6 trillion in public revenues that would be restored within this same period were used to bolster private economic development and preserve state public sector jobs.
Bush gave paid them well for their support. He did a good job for the ruling class which is why he will never be prosecuted for the crimes against humanity he committed. He was just the front man after all.
Now it's time to take back some of the windfall they were given. Are there no patriots among them? Are they really willing to let this country fail rather than make a small sacrifice which probably wouldn't make dent in the lifestyle they are accustomed to?
I hope this administration takes this advice, for the sake of this country.