I see and hear variations on that phrase everywhere. But why?
Let's assume that the word tall was abused, misused, attacked, dissembled, and otherwise made to be seen differently from its real meaning. Tall people would look for an alternate word. Let's say "not short".
Soon enough we'd have Bob's Big, Tall, and Not Short Shoppe.
There's really no significant, meaningful, difference between Progressive and Liberal, is there? Sure, there is definitional differences, else why have the two words to start with? I'll stipulate that. But let's face it. Progressive came into common usage because the repubicans did a great job of attacking the word Liberal.
Really, that's it.
But now we have these two words as yet another way to divide us. We have another case of a repubican effort that can't lose and an intended remedy from Democrats that loses no matter what.
For our part, we reacted by saying Progressive was somehow lefter than Liberal while Liberals stuck out their chins and said I am as left as one can go. Instant internecine war. The perfect outcome - for repubicans.
We're seeing the same sort of thing happening once again, but with the shots at Liberals coming from our own side's right (the world's center-right).
How about we reunite?
Go Old School.
Try it. Its easy. Give up none of your personal principles, none of your beliefs, none of your positions. You're still as Left As You Want To Be.