,CST-NWS-stein15.articleSo many of us are blind to anti-Muslim bigotry August 14, 2010
Last spring, I spoke at the Dante luncheon of the Joint Civic Committee of Italian Americans.
It was fun, to talk about the Divine Comedy. I concluded by pointing out how Dante, describing his elaborate paradise, pauses to mention that half of heaven is occupied by Jews.
"Not only that," I said. "But it's the better half."
I explained that, being Jewish myself and having soldiered through thousands of lines of Dante's often-abstruse terza rima verse, I felt rewarded by this gesture, an extraordinarily generous act for an Italian poet in 1300 -- an unexpected nod to a widely despised minority -- and how today it represents a challenge to us all. snip
Yes, and if only that were the end of it. But it isn't -- it's just the beginning of what is going to be a painful process in this country, particularly between now and November, as Republicans gleefully fall upon another tiny minority they can demonize to whip up their eager base.