Will Medicare checks in the mail help Democrats?
By RICARDO ALONSO-ZALDIVAR, Associated Press Writer Ricardo Alonso-zaldivar, Associated Press Writer – 50 mins ago
WASHINGTON – A check from Uncle Sam gets your attention, even if the money doesn't help that much with the bills.
More than 750,000 Medicare recipients with high prescription costs each got a $250 government check this summer, and 3 million-plus more checks are going out to people who land in the program's anxiety-inducing coverage gap.
Democrats, running scared in an election year, are trying to overcome older people's mistrust of the new health care law, which expands coverage for younger generations by cutting Medicare payments to hospitals and insurers.
Read through the article, it's a stunning look at how Seniors look at the new law and their hatred of Obama. One guy says, he doesn't know who he'll vote for in November because they checks aren't enough to help Seniors with their drug payments....what, so he's going to vote for the Republicans who put the donut hole in there to begin with??
How can anyone be mad at Obama for trying to close the Medicare prescription drug donut hole, when Republicans are the ones who passed it to begin with?? Isn't any help better than what they did, which is just make seniors fend for themselves?
Any senior would be an idiot to vote Republican in November. They're getting better, cheaper benefits under Obama's plan.