Oh, Those? Pay No Attention to the Other Mosques Near the World Trade Center
By Joe Coscarelli, Sat., Aug. 14 2010 @ 1:44PM

Friday night, President Obama defended the rights of Muslims to build a mosque wherever they want, including downtown Manhattan, insisting that our country's "commitment to religious freedom must be unshakeable," and thus giving the New York Post an opportunity (pictured) to insinuate that he's a Muslim. Isn't this a 9/11 issue? Whose side is he on? Is he the President of the United States or the President of Islam Africa? Meanwhile, the more sensible New York Times is like, "Well, what about those other two mosques vaguely in the vicinity of Ground Zero?" Oh, you mean you didn't know?
http://www.nytimes.com/2010/08/14/nyregion/14mosque.html?_r=2As it turns out, the Muslims have already infiltrated the area south of Canal St. In fact, the two mosques profiled by the Times were founded in 1970 and 1985 respectively, meaning they've just been waiting there to strike like some super secret embeddable spies. Nonetheless, they were probably well aware of what would happen in 2001, what with their mind powers and all. And what will happen next. Dun dun dun.