Edited on Sat Aug-14-10 04:03 PM by kentuck
Nobody wants to be called a naysayer.
But the truth may be that this "Great Recession" is much worse than any of these experts have noted?
The stimulus was only a temporary relief from the decline in this economy. We have had too many years of supply-side economics to get out so easily. We are swimming in deep, deep water.
We should operate from the premise that the present economic downturn is caused by the lack of demand? We can argue about what caused the lack of demand but it is rather obvious that people do not have access to money the same way they did only two years ago.
Before the housing bubble, everybody was spending on credit cards. Except those, of course, who had maxed out on their cards, and had refinanced their homes to pay off their credit card bills and to have a little extra spending money. That had been the normal cycle for many average consumers for many years. But then, the housing bubble burst and that was the end of easy money - no more credit cards and no more re-financing the home. That is where we are today.
Unless we can put money into the pockets of average consumers, we will continue in this downward slide. We live in a consumer society. People have to consume or the economy stalls and declines. It is not true that people are not spending because they are "uncertain" about the future. They are not spending because they do not have access to money (or credit cards) the way they did in the past. This is the price we pay for easy credit.