Believe it or not, I was ticked and flummoxed to hear some idiot on the radio news today say he wanted OBAMA, on the family trip to Florida, to go BEYOND the speech and appearances and get in the water because this would show the entire country that the water is clean and therefore the entire country would flock to Florida with dollars clutched to turn over to the local motel and restaurant operators and therefore save Florida. This was a couple of weeks after they griped that he had gone to the East coast instead of going to Florida. First they DEMAND this, then you give it to them, then they DEMAND something else, it's never enough!1
Why was I ticked, because I spent May and June defending OBAMA against wingnut idiots -- JINDAL and the NUSS-f***er "president of F-off Parish" -- who were attacking him, who were jumping up and down screaming and demanding that HE jump up and down and magically plug the damned well with some appendage of his body. I wrote angry e-mails to Joe SCAB over his daily attacks, the works.
Later, when the firestorm had died down A LITTLE, I arrived at the moderate criticism that what OBAMA really did wrong was not to emphasize from Day 1 with a daily and firm speech like this: Look, this thing is NOT going to be closed until August. THERE IS NO WAY UNTIL THEN. In the meantime, we will stay on BP's ass and will be launching the biggest clean up and containing methods in history. It WON'T, CAN'T be fixed UNTIL AUGUST, get it?!1
I know that was said from the beginning, but it was ventured out there in a timid way and it was overwhelmed by the a-holes jumping up and down and screaming.
So, this morning, it was ASTOUNDING to hear that Florida idiot say that he wants OBAMA literally to jump in the water.
Yeah, the ancient kings LITERALLY had to have ritual sex in front of the masses. That said, Gawker, which increasingly seems to be dead on on an hourly basis, took a cooler execution than mine.
**********QUOTE******** Won't Barack Obama Bare His Beautiful Chest to Save the Gulf?
The Gulf Coast: Devastated by hurricanes and oil spills. But nothing can compare to the latest insult. President Barack Obama has refused to strip down and show off his sculpted pecs to the press on a pristine Florida beach.
Obama is taking a trip to Panama City, Florida this weekend at the behest of governor Charlie Crist to help fight the idea that the entire coast is covered in oil and dead pelicans. What's he going to do down there? Announce a renewed commitment to the people of the Gulf? Or strip to the waist and splash in the water in slow motion while water beads brilliantly on his taut skin?
Stephen Leatherman, a professor at Florida International University told CNN, "Absolutely, I want him to take his shirt off and get in the water... because I think there's this feeling that if you get in, you're going to get contaminated or get all kinds of disease." Somebody's spent many lonely nights in his office replaying an old VHS of Obama's Democratic National Convention speech.
The prospect of a shirtless Obama also has the D.C. press corps acting like fifteen year-old girls at a Jonas Brothers concert. Today's White House press pool report reads:
(QUOTE: ) (Obama) said he will swim but out of the prying eyes of the press. He joked that the last time he went swimming without his shirt on he wound up on the cover of magazines. Pool joked that that's a good thing. ( :UNQUOTE)
Mr. President, If you could just say a few words about reports that you are smoking hot?
But why stop at the waist? If Obama taking his shirt off in public can save the Gulf, imagine what would happen if he took his pants off. Palestinians and Israelis would lay down their weapons in awe; the Dow would shoot up 500 points; someone would discover a fourth Girl with the Dragon Tattoo book.
Take it off, Mr. President. Take it all off.
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