He told Congress that the only people who would benefit from the war were "munition manufacturers, stockbrokers, and bond dealers," adding that "War brings no prosperity to the great mass of common and patriotic citizens.... War brings prosperity to the stock gambler on Wall Street–to those who are already in possession of more wealth than can be realized or enjoyed."
...he routinely attacked and voted against the Republican administrations of Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover. Norris supported Democrats Al Smith in 1928 and Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1932.
Norris believed in the wisdom of the common people and in the progress of civilization. "To get good government and to retain it, it is necessary that a liberty-loving, educated, intelligent people should be ever watchful, to carefully guard and protect their rights and liberties," Norris said in a 1934 speech titled, "The Model Legislature." The people were capable of being the government, he said, affirming his populist/progressive credentials.
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