Screw the right wing thugs being wheeled out as talking heads on tv objecting to Cordoba House as a "Ground Zero Mosque". And especially screw that ignoramus Larry Johnson, whose "security knowledge" CNN draws on all so often has to be questioned when he asks a question so stupid it could have come from Life of Brian.
Nice to see that in his desire to extracts $$$s from wingnuts he has back a woman, Mary Cusack, who admitted she interviewed by the Secret Service for making death threats against the President - doing the same again - making pretty similar comments again about the same President.
So you right wing screw ups what did the Muslims ever do for America?
Here are just some examples.
See this: -

The Sears Tower / Willis Tower
and this

The Hancock Tower
The structural designer was this man

From wikipedia
Fazlur Rahman Khan (Bengali: ফজলুর রহমান খান Fozlur Rôhman Khan) (April 3, 1929 - March 27, 1982), born in Dhaka, Bangladesh (erstwhile Bengal Presidency of British India), was a Bangladeshi-American architect and structural engineer. He is a central figure behind the "Second Chicago School" of architecture,<1> and is regarded as the "father of tubular design for high-rises". Khan, "more than any other individual, ushered in a renaissance in skyscraper construction during the second half of the twentieth century." He is also considered to be the "Einstein of structural engineering" and "the greatest structural engineer of the second half of the 20th century" for his innovative use of structural systems that remain fundamental to modern skyscraper construction. His most famous buildings are the John Hancock Center and the Willis Tower (formerly Sears Tower), which was the world's tallest building for several decades.
This is a brain tumour.

Until this man,

Ayub Onmaya, treatment was difficult and prone to infection. In fact, without him, many would be dead.
Ayub’s invention, the Ommaya reservoir, was the first subcutaneous reservoir that allowed for repeated intrathecal injections. Before his invention patients had to suffer repeated lumbar punctures for intrathecal drug administration. Spinal angiography was pioneered by Ommaya, Di Chiro, and Doppman. This work allowed for the visualization of arteries and veins and allowed for understanding of spinal cord arteriography. The same team reported the treatment of spinal cord AVMs by percutaneous embolization of an intercostal artery using stainless steel pellets. This was one of the first reports of interventional neuroradiology.
Ayub’s models and work in traumatic injury were foundational to the biomechanics of traumatic brain injury. This work allowed for improved modeling of brain injury by engineers in their design of safety equipment in automobiles. Ayub also published the first coma score for classification of traumatic brain injury. The most widely used contemporary classification systems follow the Ommaya approach. Ayub’s friendship with Congressman Lehman, then chair of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation, lead to the creation of the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control.Each of these efforts involved collaborators who were vital to their successful conclusion.
Ayub worked with Sir Godfrey Hounsfield to determine the spatial resolution of the CT scanner which opened the door for its use in stereotactic surgery. Ayub also invented the first spinal fluid driven artificial organ.
Interventional Neuroradiology
The work of Di Chiro, Doppman, and Ommaya, and was critical to the development of spinal angiography. The visualization of arteries and veins allowed for understanding of the pathophysiology of spinal AVMs in addition to classification of lesions. Di Chiro, Ommaya, and Doppman also reported one of the earliest interventional radiology approaches using stainless steel pellets to treat a spinal cord AVM. 6 This percutaneous embolization approach was noted as less traumatic than surgical treatment by the authors and represented another step forward in pecutaneous vascular embolization as an addition the surgical armamentarium for treating certain vascular disorders of the central nervous system.
CSF Rhinorrhea
Before Ommaya’s work CSF rhinorrhea was classified as traumatic and spontaneous. The second category was essentially a waste basket which did not assist in guiding treatment approaches.14,18 Ommaya classified non traumatic rhinorrhea as resulting from high pressure leaks (tumors & hydrocephalis) and normal leaks (congenital abnormalities, focal atrophy, oysteomyelitic). Nontraumatic rhinorrhea is a challenge in diagnosis and choice of surgical approach. Of importance to successful surgical outcome is the demonstration of fistula. Among the non traumatic group, CSF rhinorrhea occurring with primary empty sella (PES) was first reported by Ommaya.31
Biomechanics of Traumatic Brain Injury
Ommaya’s cetripedal theory identified that the effects always begin at the surface of the brain in mild injury and extend inward to affect the diencephalic- mesencephalic core in more severe injury.20 His work showed that both translational and rotational acceleration produce focal lesions but that only rotational acceleration produced diffuse axonal injury. When damage is found in the rostral brainstem it is also associated with diffuse hemispheric damage. Prior to his work it was believed that that the mechanism of consciousness was linked to primary brainstem injury. However, the brainstem and mesencephalon are the last structure to be affected in severe injury, and rotational rather than translational forces produce concussion. Contact phenomenon contribute to the development of focal lesions, e.g. frontal and temporal lesions due to contact with the sphenoid bone.18 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies have supported these theories. They have confirmed that the distribution of lesions follows a centripetal pattern that follows injury severity identified by the Glascow Coma Score.
Ommaya Reservoir
Ayub Ommaya first reported the Ommaya reservoir in 1963. The reservoir is subcutaneous implant for repeated intrathecal injections, to treat hydrocephalus and malignant tumors. The reservoir was the first medical port to use silicone which is biologically inert and self sealing. The Ommaya reservoir allows delivery of intermittent bolus injections for chemotherapy to the tumor bed. Agents are injected percutaneously into the reservoir and delivered to the tumor by compression of the reservoir. The Ommaya reservoir provided a great improvement for treatment which reduces the risk of infection.
Creation of the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control
While the Chief Medical Advisor for the Department of Transportation in the 1980s, Ayub commissioned a report, Injury in America, from the Institute of Medicine (IOM) in 1985. This report and efforts by Congressman William Lehman and Dr. Ommaya lead to the creation of the Center for Disease Control's, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control which began to provide synthesis, direction, and funding for the field. Congressman William Lehman and Ayub became friends when he cared for his daughter. They had many discussions focusing on the need for a center that emphasized injury prevention and research. Congressman Lehman, then chair of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation, was responsible for the initial $10 million awarded to the CDC to establish a new Center for Injury Control. 2 The FY 2008 budget for the center is $134 Million, and it funds basic and applied injury research. Ayub served on the National Advisory Committee for the Center for 15 years.
Spinal Fluid Driven Artificial Organ
Ayub has two children who suffer from Type 1 diabetes. Motivated by his personal experience with the disease, Ayub focused on the problem of transplantation of islet cells for the treatment of diabetes. A major challenge facing survival of islet cells is immune rejection. Ayub thought that the CSF would provided an ideal setting for transplanted islets due to the immune protection provided by the blood brain barrier. He developed an artificial organ which would house transplanted islets, and the cells could be nourished by the CSF. Ayub, Illani Atwater, and colleagues identified that ventricular-peritoneal CSF shunts provided an immune protected site for the transplantation of mouse and rat islets in dogs and llamas.22, 30 Ayub and colleagues also identified that CSF glucose mirrors blood glucose. Islets cells were able to survive in this system and function in the llama model, but further work on the model is needed.1 Unfortunately Ayub was not able to complete this research.
The role of emotions in consciousness
Ayub focused much of his career on the study of consciousness, the brain, and mind. This interest derived from his reading of Pennfield’s work on surgical treatment of epilepsy. His work in traumatic brain injury was influenced by his interest in how consciousness is altered and how it recovers after traumatic injury. Key to his observations is the role of the limbic system and emotion as foundational for consciousness.29 In his view, emotion is the trigger to action and other aspects of rationality are tools to justify action. Ayub saw consciousness as an emergent property of the evolution of neural structures. Consciousness is the result of evolutionary forces directed to improving the efficiency of mental function. The reintegration of thought and action after traumatic injury provided the experimental context for Ayub’s thoughts.
It is popularly assumed that emotion disrupts cognition. However neurophysiology and Ayub’s TBI research emphasizes its fundamental inseparability. Ayub defined four steps in the evolution of consciousness. 1) reflex and avoidance reactions; 2) sensory inputs merged with multisensory neurons in the mesencephalon; 3) interactions formed between sensory and limbic systems and memory; and 4) reinforcement of thalamic neural centers which relays information between sensory and motor centers. Ayub discussed how the limbic system and emotion motivates action and focuses attention.
Not a bad list of achievements for someone the likes off Palin and that disgraceful lizard

would condemn for his religion alone.
See this woman?

She is not in a veil or burka but she is a Muslim and a very high ranking diplomat for the United States of America, who served under George Bush and Barack Obama
Farah Pandith (Urdu: فرح پنڈ ت) (born on January 13, 1968 in Srinagar, Kashmir) is the first ever Special Representative to Muslim Communities for the United States Department of State. She was appointed to this position on June 23, 2009 by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and sworn in by Secretary Clinton at a ceremony at the State Department on September 15, 2009.
Pandith is an American Muslim born in India who immigrated with her mother to Massachusetts on July 4, 1969. Prior to her current appointment, she was Senior Advisor to the Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs at the U.S. Department of State. This role was created for the first time in U.S. history. Pandith was responsible for engaging with Muslim communities in Europe.
From 2004 to 2007 Pandith worked at the National Security Council at the White House under Elliot Abrams covering a portfolio that included "Muslim engagement," countering violent extremism, and The Broader Middle East North Africa Initiative. She worked at the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) from 2003 to 2004. She lived in Kabul, Afghanistan in the Spring of 2004. Before coming to government, Pandith was Vice President of International Business for ML Strategies, LLC, in Boston, Massachusetts. Prior to graduate school, she worked at USAID from 1990 to 1993.
Thanks to idiots like Queen of Quit and her bigoted fans she has an increasingly difficult job promoting the idea that America does not hate ALL Muslims.
Bushies - do you know who this man is?

Zalmay Mamozy Khalilzad (Nastaliq: زلمی خلیلزاد - Zalmay Khalīlzād) (born: 22 March 1951) is an American counselor at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and president of Khalilzad Associates, an international business consulting firm based in Washington, DC. He was the United States Ambassador to the United Nations under President George W. Bush. He has been involved with U.S. policy makers at the White House, State Department and Pentagon since the mid-1980s, and was the highest-ranking Muslim American in the Administration of U.S. President George W. Bush. Khalilzad's previous assignments in the Administration include U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan and U.S. Ambassador to Iraq.
If you follow Republican logic now that must make Bush a Commie Pinko Anti Murikkkan Mooslim too.
How about this man, another W appointee.

Elias A. Zerhouni (Arabic: إلياس زرهوني) M.D. (born 12 April 1951 in Algeria) is a world renowned leader in radiology and medical research. He was the 15th director of the National Institutes of Health, appointed by George W. Bush in May 2002. He served for 6 years, stepping down in October, 2008.
Soon after becoming the Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), in May 2002, Dr. Zerhouni convened a series of meetings to chart a "Roadmap for Medical Research" in the 21st century. The purpose was to identify major opportunities and gaps in biomedical research that no single Institute at NIH could tackle alone, but that the agency as a whole must address to make the biggest impact on the progress of medical research. Developed with input from meetings with more than 300 nationally recognized leaders in academia, industry, government, and the public, the NIH Roadmap provided a framework of priorities that the NIH as a whole must address in order to optimize its entire research portfolio. The NIH Roadmap identified the most compelling opportunities in three main areas: new pathways to discovery, research teams of the future, and re-engineering the clinical research enterprise. Roadmap programs were initially funded by a 1 percent contribution from each of the NIH ICs. Zerhouni subsequently created the Office of Portfolio Analysis and Strategic Initiatives (OPASI) to lead ongoing Roadmap efforts and to create the Research, Condition, and Disease Categorization Process (RCDC), an online system which reports NIH research investments.
Remember this man?

Lewis Arquette (December 14, 1935 – February 10, 2001)an American film actor, writer and producer. Bushies would have loved him for his role as JD Pickett on the Waltons. Well he was a scary Mooslim too.
In short, you will find Muslims in the fields of politics, art, science, entertainment, health and they even serve their Country, America, in the Military. They, Americans, who believe in Islam, serve at all levels from boots on the ground to diplomatic intelligence.
In contrast, you will find the right here -

spreading hate and lies. You only need to look here to find examples of their contributions to the greater wisdom of the World.