is really bad.
All that has to happen is for someone that has a information storage site like youtube or even a forum to think they can create social change based on what they think is best to be seen.
Then that thought could lead to censorship or manipulations of what data is seen first.
The fact that information systems are not open to civilian review means that the only thing stopping complete restrictions or propaganda on all or targeted members of society is the trust that a few people might not do that. How has that worked out over the coarse of history? And the fact that most people are good and someone would leak it if that happened. Although the leaks about AT & T sniff and route rooms 'Gonzales' other programs did not have a large impact.
My gut tells me Google is actually not going for power or control, and there is the fact that if someone did that it would leak.
Although it could happen, and that should be a reason to regulate the industry for reasons of transparency.
The way to do it would be to route groups to different webs, or have webs for targeted individuals by red flag count, and actually I know I am not on the same web I was on many years ago, so that is probable.
I also know some colleges have some routing to them for observational research.