!/image/952619302.JPG_gen/derivatives/landscape_240/952619302.JPGCapt. Kevin Graham gives a tour of the C-130 Hercules flight deck to members of the Ugandan defense force last year at Entebbe Air Base. U.S. Air Forces Africa is looking for volunteer airmen to participate in such events.USAF command seeking airmen for brief deployments to Africa By Jennifer H. Svan
Stars and Stripes
Published: August 15, 2010
RAMSTEIN AIR BASE, Germany — U.S. Air Forces Africa is looking for a few good airmen.
The command recently launched an initiative seeking volunteers for short deployments to Africa in an effort to build a cadre of experienced airmen, while also addressing some staffing shortages.
Creating a volunteer pool might help AFAFRICA avoid postponing or canceling future events, said Col. Catherine Chin, AFAFRICA director of manpower, personnel and services. At the start of fiscal 2010, the command had about 100 events planned for the African theater. But because of logistical challenges including the lack of staffing, the number of missions was scaled back to 60.
Without any assigned wings, the command has to request troops through the Air Force, a process that can take up to four months. And on occasion, the command doesn’t get the airmen they request, or in time, which forces them to cancel or postpone missions.
Plus, the command never gets the same airmen twice, which can slow relationship-building on the continent, officials said.