The former RW congressman is running for Ohio governor, trying to unseat Democrat Ted Strickland.
Kasich is running an ad frequently that takes place at the former DHL hub near Wilmington, in SW Ohio. DHL shut down the facility and left several thousand people unemployed.
In the ad, Kasich romanticizes to the days when a person's job could always be there to support the family. He recalls fondly how his father had such a job---AS A U.S. POSTAL EMPLOYEE!!! Knowing Kasich, does anyone see the irony in this?
When he was a member of Congress in the 1990s, Kasich was at the forefront supporting all of these "free trade" agreements like NAFTA and the WTO which have proven to create the instability of jobs in Ohio and across the nation. He was one of these "deficit hawks" who liked to slash social programs while remaining silent on making any cuts in our military budget.
In other words, he's a poster child for today's conservative political candidates.
He also spawned the career of Ron Christie, who was an aide to Kasich's Washington staff in the early 1990s.
Granted, things haven't turned around under Strickland, but do Ohioans want to revert to the Bush/Taft mindset that created this mess? Normally, I wouldn't worry, but between the RW media siding with any Republican regardless of that person's credentials and voters' chronic short memories, I can see Kasich getting elected. When he isn't living off the taxpayer's dime, he's screwing them out of their dime by working for a Wall Street business.