Edited on Sun Aug-15-10 12:20 PM by CoffeeCat
The elites, the king-makers and the "powers that be" are hoping that the November elections aren't about the real issues and the real truths about where this country is headed.
So, they create a distraction.
This time--the distraction is about Obama and his suspicious ties, allegiances and supposed betrayal when it comes to siding with Muslims. Republicans will position Obama as un-American and unpatriotic--because he doesn't bash Muslims and because he was not opposed to a mosque being build near Ground Zero. Right-wing radio will raise the stakes and accuse Obama of trying to advance a conspiratorial Muslim agenda in this country. Then we'll have the birthers and assorted nuts who will wage a "Swiftboatting campaign" against him.
We can only imagine what dirty rumors and lies that brigade will bring forth.
It's all a smokescreen. It's all manufactured to direct our attention toward fluff and nonsense--so we forget about what's seriously happening in this country.
Our democracy is hanging on by a thin thread. Corporations now run this country and can ignore our government if they desire (BP defying the EPA and using Corexit). Democrats and Republicans are in bed with the corporations. Democrats and Republicans no longer serve "We The People." We are only useful to those in power when they need our votes. So, they terrify us into voting--after they manufacture several pseudo-issues that get us amped up and running to the voting booth.
We torture in this country. We have no Habeas Corpus--which means the government does not have to produce a "body of evidence" against you if they arrest you. Any American citizen can be detained indefinitely. This government can illegally wiretap anyone they please, and the communication companies helping them to commit these crimes have immunity.
But we're all supposed to focus on a mosque being built at Ground Zero. Are you kidding me?
The Wall Street brigade gets billions in bailouts, while food stamps are being cut for the working poor and people who are unemployed. We are PAYING companies to move jobs overseas. Our tax dollars are paying companies to behave in ways that increase our unemployment rate.
So, pardon me if I roll my eyes about this mosque issue. It's a manufactured, shiny object intended to distract a very traumatized public from the big picture.
Let's not bite this smelly bait. Let's force our politicians to answer tough questions and solve real issues. Do we really want this election divided into two camps: The Republican camp that claims Obama is a terrorist sympathizer and the Democratic camp who fights against ridiculous accusations?
That fight gets us NOWHERE. That fight gets us the same crooked politicians who make back-door deals with big Pharma, Wall Street, big Insurance and the energy companies.
Let's refuse to be distracted by a non issue one more time--while our democracy withers away into nothing. Force our politicians to focus on real issues and to answer tough questions. Don't allow them to bamboozle us into being distracted for yet another election cycle!