Calling the opposition "corporatist" whether they be Democrats or Republicans is also fine. Calling us "non-corporatist" may be a fine definition, but you'd need a better catch all name than that. The term "corporatist" is very much an inside baseball term, most people won't have a clue.
Yes, BOTH sides (right and left) are unhappy with big business - so this is an area of unity. The problem is, if the solutions you propose are mostly just government taking over more control of the mechanisms of productivity and job creation your going to fall flat with the American public.
Virtually everyone is angry at CEO's making huge salaries and businesses outsourcing jobs, so regulations on that front are possible and even unifying. However, about half the people (and perhaps more of the really motivated ones) also oppose growing government into many/most of the various roles many here would like to see.
How do you deal with things like bailing out the auto companies. That is just flat out unpopular with probably half or more of the American public - yet it saved a hell of a lot of union jobs. So it seems to have been the right thing to do, however that is government working closely with big business. If your really going to try to create a movement which blasts corporations and deals between government and corporations, you can't very well propose more deals between corporations and government because those happen to the be deals you like.
The question here is are you just trying to change the terms of the debate to advance the very same agenda we already tend to support? If so, you will win some converts if your successful but it won't fundamentally shift the positions/worldview of the American people in the near term.
You mention this mosque issue as a distraction, but how do you get around the fact that most people just flat out oppose it? Call it a distraction all day, but human nature is what it is and if "non-corporatist" becomes associated with the position "we have no problem with this mosque" then your just not going to get very far. Unfortunately, the right thing to do simply doesn't always or even often win out with the voters come election day.
Want a real revolutionary movement, your going to have to appeal to populism and sometimes simply avoid discussing anything that would alienate large numbers of people. Such is life. It is one reason conservatives win - failed ideas and all. Human nature hasn't changed in probably thousands of years, and probably won't for thousands more. If you want to get things done, you either harness it and give yourself a chance to succeed, or fight against it and probably fail.